
filling Station exists to publish innovative work; we recommend reading filling Station before you submit. Subscription information is available below. filling Station does not accept submissions that contain racist, misogynist, and/or homophobic content.
filling Station works to create a safe and supportive environment for all voices. We specifically encourage submissions from creators who identify with female, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, immigrant, impoverished, survivor, or other marginalized communities. filling Station’s mandate is to publish Canadian experimental literature in all its diversity and would like to promote artists who have been historically underrepresented. We therefore ask that, should you feel comfortable doing so, you disclose your intersectional identities in a cover letter along with your submission. This information is by no means obligatory and will only be used to help us curate a diverse and intersectional magazine. If you are non-Canadian or from a dominant cultural group (white, male, wealthy, etc.), we will of course still consider your work, but please ensure your submission lines up with filling Station’s mandate. Our priority is to publish content that is both exceptional and diverse.


Replies, Rights and Publication Timing
After your submission is reviewed by our Readers, you will receive an email to let you know whether your work has been selected for publication. If it has, filling Station acquires First North American Serial Rights. Copyright reverts to you, the author, immediately following publication in our magazine. You may simultaneously publish the piece only outside of North America. Following notification of acceptance, you will receive a follow-up email to let you know in which issue your piece has been selected to appear. Note that during the design phase, we sometimes discover the need to shuffle a piece to a future issue. We will keep you informed in the event that your piece is pushed back.
We aspire to respond to all submissions within 6 months of receiving them. This being said, as a volunteer-run magazine, a variety of factors may sometimes result in longer response times.
Simultaneous Submissions
filling Station is willing to consider simultaneous submissions. If you are informed that any work sent to filling Station has been selected for publication elsewhere, please contact the appropriate editor with this information via email as soon as possible and CC Email addresses for editors are shown on our About page. Likewise, if we indicate that we have accepted work for publication, please inform other magazines to whom you submitted the work that it is no longer available. We recommend that writers maintain a simple spreadsheet to keep submissions organized. As noted above, filling Station reserves First North American Serial Rights (FNASR).

For full submission guidelines by category, please visit our Submittable page.